Can You Get Pregnant Naturally With Pcos - Discover Ways For Conceiving With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Most of the women that suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome face weight increases along with fertility problems ( getting pregnant with polycystic ovarian syndrome ). PCOS makes it more difficult for the body to use the hormone insulin which normally helps convert sugars and starches from foods into energy. Reducing your weight may help reduce symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome and increase fertility. It is more difficult for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome to lose weight but the good news is that you can win the struggle against weight gain. Approach the goal of weight loss with small goals and patience as this will help you deal with all the symptoms of PCOS in a manageable way. Studies have shown that symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can be lessened with just a 5 to 10 percent decrease in your weight. Pay attention to the glycemic index and learn how to eat balanced meals. Start incorporating daily exercise into your routine to add to your success in weight loss with PCOS. Start simple with walking and look for an activity that you enjoy like Frisbee or bike riding. Strength training should be a part of your program for weight loss with PCOS.

A laparoscopy is used for both diagnosis and treatment of infertility caused by PCOS ( click here and visit now ). The procedure is a small surgery that can be done in-office and only using a general analgesic. The first step is to make small holes in the navel and in the inferior abdomen. The surgeon then places a tube to inflate the abdomen with a small amount of gas so that he can insert the laparoscope without damage to the internal organs. The laparoscope is a fiber optic rod with light and camera and will be inserted through the holes in your stomach. Using these instruments your fallopian tubes can be unblocked or repaired. During this procedure they can also trigger ovulation using a laser to destroy parts of the ovaries. This functions because destroying part of the ovaries has been reported to restore regular ovulation cycles in those suffering from PCOS. You can go home soon after surgery and will be able to resume normal life and activities after one day. It has been proved that laparoscopy helps women ovulate 80% more and a 50% frequency of pregnancy.

If you have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome and are having trouble conceiving you should see a specialist in infertility. Doctors such as these are specially trained in reproductive endocrinology and are there to help you. Because of their focus they can monitor you better which results in both increased patient safety and chances for positive pregnancy outcome. Also women with Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome may have other fertility obstacles to contend with and an expert in endocrinology will be able to shed light on these issues. Seeing a specialist and receiving Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome treatment can help a woman who is younger than 35 by increasing their chances for conception by 20%. Before the appointment sit down for a few minutes and think of any related symptoms you may be experiencing. List the dates of your last few periods and how long each one lasted. Keeping all of this important and relevant information organized and easily accessible during your appointment will make the visit more meaningful. To ensure a thorough examination the doctor will want a semen analysis to determine that there are no other factors preventing pregnancy. Once all the testing is complete you will meet to review all the results and develop a plan.

Zygote intrafallopian transfer combines in vitro fertilization and GIFT ( can you get pregnant naturally with pcos ). The first stage is spurring your body to create multiple eggs using hormones and then these will be collected from your body. The sperm from your partner and your multiple eggs will be combined in a laboratory. Eggs and sperm together are known as gametes but once one egg is fertilized it is referred to as a zygote. These zygotes are then returned to the fallopian tubes where they will be carried into the uterus. Once the zygotes are in the fallopian tubes they should travel into the uterus to start developing into a baby. ZIFT is advantageous because doctors can confirm your eggs have been fertilized before placing them in your fallopian tubes. The process of placing the zygote in the fallopian tubes instead of directly into the uterus allows the uterus time to prepare for the arrival. Because of the two surgeries needed with ZIFT some patients feel it is too intense. Because multiple zygotes may form in the laboratory you can freeze any extra zygotes to use if the first one doesn’t implant.